Analysion (closed beta)

Data aggregator combining multiple API’s

Analysion is a data aggregator that combines several data API’s and brings them together in one, super user-friendly dashboard. Analysion allows you to always quickly answer the most important questions all online publishers and webshop owners ask themselves over and over again… How are we doing online, how will we be doing tomorrow and how can we optimize this?


Analysion brings together data from data sources like
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Insights
  • Twitter API
  • Google DFP
  • Copernica Email Marketing
  • Google Webmastertools
  • and more

Analysion allows you to quickly discover trends, get alerts and simulate the future to “see what is happing tomorrow when you do this or that”.

Analysion is currently in a final development stage and already being used by several publishers.
If you like to test or would like to get more information… Let us know.